Company Overview

The names of a family of five (5) people where combined to form the name that created the global company called Ladilsa. It was created by husband and wife Mrs Salbiah Binti Drahman & Mr. Agostinho Neto Joaquim Domingos, and their 3 children, respectfully:

Agostinho Domingos

agostinho domingos profile

Salbiah Drahman

salbiah drahman profile

The Children


The Ladilsa company has two separate entities in Angola and South Africa:

  • Angola (Ladilsa – Comércio Geral, Lda) --⏩ Registration nº 1694-16/161205  
  • South Africa – Ladilsa (Pty) Ltd) --⏩ Registration nº 2012/019217/07

Over the years the company has been involved in the business of Beauty Line Products, Real Estate Management, Wood Import/Export, Aviation Logistics & Management, and Graphics, Video & Applications Development for The Web. By simply navigating around our website, you shall be able to see the different aspects of our businesses.

In the area of web applications, two more fronts are in the verge to be opened on both Portugal & Malaysia to widen our market reach and to better support our clients in the Europe & Asia.  

The operations in Angola are currently being led by Mr. Salomão Gusmão while South Africa is being led by Mr. Kagisho Evans Letsoalo. The Shareholders have taken a step back in order to concentrate in the technical aspects of web development that needs special attention for the next few yeas because of the rise of artificial intelligence technologies that hit prime early in the year 2023

If you have any queries, the quickest way to contact us is by clicking on the LIVE CHAT button at the bottom-left of this web page. Thank-you.