This page serves to announce that we will soon be merging the following two (2) of our Business Pages in Facebook:
Business Page ID: 241140589923544
Business Page Name: Ladilsa
Business Page Link:
Business Page ID: 1430632690592912
Business Page Name: Ladilsa - Presenca Online
Business Page Link:
As it can be seen, these Pages represent the same company in the name of LADILSA and their names suggest it, "Ladilsa" and "Ladilsa - Presenca Online" respectivefully. They are not totally different page names as each of them still keeps the name Ladilsa.
"Ladilsa - Presenca Online" has a sole purpose of representing the Presenca Online service for the Ladilsa, Lda company itself. It is a service where we host, build and promote websites for companies where "Ladilsa" englobes our product line which includes the promotion and creation of business suite tools/software and e-book publishing.
As opposed to having to manage two (2) Facebook Business Pages, we are now joining forces to accomodate these two (2) areas into a single Facebook Business Page, which will reside in itself with Ladilsa Business Page (ID: 241140589923544).
The migration from these two (2) Facebook Business Pages does not change in its entirety the page name as the Page we will be keeping still keeps and will forever maintain the name of LADILSA.
LADILSA in itself is our company, our logo type and our brand which is used across any and all our platforms across the internet. That image is still the same and isn't changing.
This change should be taken in effect soon.
Agostinho Neto Joaquim Domingos
Agostinho Domingos
Founder, CEO, Director
December 11, 2020